*For those who do not know, please understand that there is an ongoing
war against whistleblowers. If people don’t stand up en masse,
whistleblowers will just be picked off one by one. There must be
solidarity and massive civil disobedience to overturn the criminal mafia
that is orchestrating this global coup. Please don’t think you are
saving yourselves by your inaction – they will be coming for you once
they have dealt with the vocal dissidents. They will expropriate you,
inject you, take your humanity, take your children, take your life.
These genocidal perpetrators do not qualify as human. Whistleblowers
are alerting the people – it is up to the people to support them. It’s
now very simple: do or die. Make your choice.*
*The EU issued a directive a few months ago unleashing the security
services against those telling the truth about “Covid” scam and the
dangers of wireless technology / 5G.*
9.6.20 – Council of the European Union: Council conclusions on shaping
Europe’s digital future: Threat of repression to 5G campaigners and
those correlating Covid-19 and 5G
Conseil de l’Union européenne : Conclusions du Conseil intitulées
“Façonner l’avenir numérique de l’Europe” : Menace de la répression
envers ceux qui font campagne contre la 5G ou qui proposent une
corrélation entre Covid-19 et la 5G
English: Shaping Europe’s Digital Future – Council Conclusions (9 June
2020): www.consilium.europa.eu/media/44389/st08711-en20.pdf
Français: Façonner l’avenir numérique de l’Europe – Conclusions du
Conseil (9 juin 2020):
*The UK, as an example, now has at least 8 entities, including the
military, targeting truth-tellers in various ways. A couple of weeks
ago, a German doctor was arrested after a Swat team broke down the door
of his home. In Italy a few months ago a campaigner on the street was
sedated by the police in full public view. A German lawyer was locked
up in a psychiatric hospital a few months ago (*German dissident lawyer
provides an intriguing sequel:
a Swiss doctor suffered the same fate
*European Police Conduct Sweeping Raids, Mass Arrests for Online ‘Hate
Speech’ in Germany, Italy, France, Greece, Norway, Britain and the Czech
*Professor Jean-Bernard Fourtillan interned in a psychiatric hospital
against his will*
Hayssam Hoballah – wellness Coaching Holistic Health Living
Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, professor emeritus, known in particular for his
recent appearance in the film Hold-up but also for his research on
Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, was held this day in a
psychiatric hospital against his will.
This follows its recent complaint, tells the Pasteur institute (for more
information:http://www.verite-covid19.fr/ <www.verite-covid19.fr/>)
It is the prefect of the Gard, Didier Lauga, who would have ordered his
internment at the Centre hospitalier Le Mas Careiron BP 56 30701 UZES CEDEX.
The prefect has the power when it comes to a hospitalization so-called
office also called psychiatric care upon the decision of the
representative of the State (SDRE).
Grosso merdo, they have decreed that the man was crazy. Oh yeah?
Take rather a look at his CV and make yourself your own
opinion: http://verite-covid19.com/docs/CURRICULUM_VITAE_JBF.pdf
We have already received many a phone call today asking to speak to him
or to a manager. But the evening apparently, this is not possible. It
takes a flood of calls, e-mails and visits tomorrow.
This is the switchboard number: 04 66 62 69 00. It must then be the
closed area NASH.
Here’s their e-mail address : direction.careiron@ch-uzes.fr
Do not let not, show mafia organized headed by u that we are many, we
are informed of our rights and that we do we will let to do any more. ✊❤️🕊️
Article 432-4 of the Penal Code: “The fact, by a person agent of public
authority or in charge of a public service mission, acting in the
exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of his functions or mission,
direct or perform arbitrary act prejudicial to individual liberty is
punishable by seven years imprisonment and a 100,000 euros fine.
Where the act constitutes an invasion consists of a detention or a
retention of a duration of more than seven days, the penalty is
increased to thirty years imprisonment and 450 000 euros fine.”
Le professeur Jean-Bernard Fourtillan interné en hôpital psychiatrique
contre son gré
Hayssam Hoballah – Coaching Bien-Être Santé Holistique
Alimentation Vivante
Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, professeur émérite connu notamment pour son
apparition récente dans le film Hold-up mais aussi pour ses travaux de
recherche sur la maladie de Parkinson et d’Alzheimer, a été interné ce
jour dans un hôpital psychiatrique, contre son gré.
Cela fait suite à sa récente plainte conte l’institut Pasteur (pour en
savoir plus:http://www.verite-covid19.fr/ <www.verite-covid19.fr/>)
C’est le préfet du Gard, Didier Lauga, qui aurait ordonné son
internement au Centre hospitalier Le Mas Careiron BP 56 30701 UZES CEDEX.
Le préfet a ce pouvoir dès lors qu’il s’agit d’une hospitalisation dite
d’office appelée aussi soins psychiatriques sur décision du représentant
de l’État (SDRE).
Grosso merdo, ils ont décrété que le bonhomme était fou. Ah ouais?
Jetez plutôt un oeil à son CV et faites-vous donc votre propre
opinion: http://verite-covid19.com/docs/CURRICULUM_VITAE_JBF.pdf
Nous avons déjà été nombreux à passer un coup de fil aujourd’hui pour
demander à lui parler ou à un responsable. Mais le soir apparemment, ce
n’est pas possible. Il faut les inonder d’appels, d’e-mails et de
visites demain.
Voilà le numéro du standard: 04 66 62 69 00. Il faut ensuite demander le
secteur fermé NASH.
Voilà leur e-mail : direction.careiron@ch-uzes.fr
Ne les lâchons pas, montrons à cette mafia organisée chapeautée par u
que nous sommes nombreux, que nous sommes informés de nos droits et que
nous ne nous laisserons plus faire. ✊❤️🕊️
Article 432-4 du Code Pénal: “Le fait, par une personne dépositaire de
l’autorité publique ou chargée d’une mission de service public, agissant
dans l’exercice ou à l’occasion de l’exercice de ses fonctions ou de sa
mission, d’ordonner ou d’accomplir arbitrairement un acte attentatoire à
la liberté individuelle est puni de sept ans d’emprisonnement et de 100
000 euros d’amende.
Lorsque l’acte attentatoire consiste en une détention ou une rétention
d’une durée de plus de sept jours, la peine est portée à trente ans de
réclusion criminelle et à 450 000 euros d’amende.”